The Lord of the Sabbath
- 작성자 : 정한마…
- 조회 : 367
- 22-06-25 18:32
In Luke 6:1-5, when some Pharisees saw Jesus' disciples pick some heads of grain in the grainfields and rub them with their hands to eat the kernels, they criticized the disciples. However, Jesus proved that there was no transgression in the actions of the disciples by giving an example of King David and the people with David who were hungry in the past, went into the temple of God and ate the consecrated bread that only priests were able to eat. And Jesus concluded by saying that He was the Lord of the Sabbath.
Then, in Luke 6:6-11, Jesus, who was teaching in the synagogue, saw a man whose right hand was shriveled, and healed his hand completely after emphasizing that it was right to do good on the Sabbath and to save lives toward the teachers of the law and Pharisees who were looking for a reason to accuse Jesus. This enraged the religious leaders, and they began to discuss with one another what they might do to Jesus.
Jesus is the Lord of the Sabbath, and there is only one Creator, God, who is the Lord of the Sabbath. That is, Jesus, the Word made flesh, is Yahweh God. Jewish religious people were bound by the law to distinguish good from evil and define good and evil by their own standards, but they essentially lived their lives under the pretense that they could practice good, in spite of being unable to practice good. However, those who are with the Creator Jesus through thorough self-denial caused by the holy blood of Jesus Christ, reach the state Adam and Eve were in before they ate from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, so that the rest and grace given on the Sabbath will come upon them and they will live their lives in the midst of the will and the kingdom of God that has already come in their heart by putting on Jesus Christ and by being restored to the image of God. That is why true believers desire Jesus, the Lord of the Sabbath, due to God's will and kingdom given through hope and faith, meditating on the Word and praying all the time in order to imitate Jesus.